Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Muddiest Point to Date

I have read Chapter 13, and I am confident that I understand the material from this chapter. I have yet to read chapter 14 over NMR spectra thus, NMR spectra is my muddiest point to date. I plan to read the chapter and lecture on Friday will be over this subject. Hopefully this will help me to better understand Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The homework assigned in lab found on WebSpectra should give me some practice on reading an NMR spectrum. The necessary resources to understand Nuclear Magnetic Resonance are chapter 14, WebSpectra, and lecture on Friday. I plan to take complete advantage of the previous resources to understand Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.


  1. Prior to reading chapter 14 i had trouble understanding NMR. Though i still have some trouble reading a NMR spectra, I have came along way from last week. If you still do not understand NMR after reading the chapter and hearing the lecture, i would suggest researching on the internet or viewing other text books. Good luck.

  2. Good start, I would however try to incorporate some key points you specifically don't understand. I do agree though, it is most beneficial to read over the chapters, paying extra attention to the example problems (they tend to help me out). I have been looking over the review questions at the end of the chapters and they have been quite helpful also. Doing so could help you out, giving you additional practice to aid in your review for the exam. Good luck.
